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Privacy Preference Centre

The website, like most websites, can store or retrieve information in your browser, mainly in the form of "cookies". This information, which may be about you, your preferences or your Internet device (computer, tablet or mobile), is mainly used to make the site work as expected and we can offer you a more personalized web experience and remember your previous choices.
Below you will find information about the different uses we make of cookies. If you wish, you can deactivate the installation of some or all cookies; However, doing this may have consequences for your enjoyment of the site and the services we can offer you.


Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They allow you to browse the site, search for flights and other services, and make reservations.

Without these cookies, we could not provide the services you are looking for on our website.

Performance cookies

These cookies allow us to understand how users use our site, in order to analyze and improve the operation of the site. For example, they help us know which pages are the most and least popular. Items such as number of visitors, how much time users spend on the site and access sources count. This allows us to know what we are doing well and what we have to improve, as well as making sure that the pages load quickly and are displayed correctly.

All the information that these cookies collect is anonymous and is not linked to personal information about you. We use Google, Adobe and Marin Software services to perform those functions.


These cookies allow us to provide enhanced functionality, as well as personalized information and features. For example, being able to watch YouTube videos, provide information about some destinations and also allow you to share content through social networks.

Most of these services are provided by third parties (other companies). If you have an account or use the services of these third parties on other websites, they may know that you have visited our sites. The use of the data collected through cookies by third parties is subject to their own privacy policies; Therefore, we identify these cookies by the third parties that install them.

Advertising or tracking cookies

These cookies are used to display ads that may be relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an ad and to help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

They are installed by our partner companies in the advertising network and help finance our investment in websites, so that we can keep our prices as low as possible. They can also be used to show relevant ads on other websites you visit.

The cookies they install can change from one moment to another, so instead of making a list, we identify the companies themselves.


Disable cookies

If you do not agree with our use of cookies, you can perform actions to deactivate your installation, in addition to changing your browser settings to block certain types of cookies.

For detailed information on how to do this, consult your browser's help information, or to see a summary of the most common browsers, visit: or

Advertising companies also allow you to opt out of receiving personalized advertising, if you prefer. This option does not disable the installation of cookies, but does not allow these companies to use and collect some data. For more information on this topic and deactivation options, go to: